Ep. 73: In Search of Mycotopia - Citizen Science, Fungi Fanatics & the Untapped Potential of Mushrooms (feat. Doug Bierend)
Today we have the honor of speaking with journalist and author Doug Bierend. His new book “In Search of Mycotopia” dives into the neglected mega-science of mycology and introduces readers to the weird and wonderful communities of citizen scientists and microbe devotees who are leading the modern mycological movement. Doug uncovers a diverse cadre of growers, independent researchers, ecologists, entrepreneurs, and amateur enthusiasts, exploring and advocating for fungi’s capacity to improve and heal contaminated landscapes, provide food and medicine, and demonstrate how humans might live better with nature—and one another. The book is told through Doug’s first-hand encounters from the perspective of an embedded reporter drawn to this wonderfully enticing myco-culture This is an exploration of the wild new frontiers of all things mushroom and an inspiring look at the people who are paying attention to what fungi can teach us about the potential for our future. “Mycotopia is already all around us - All we have to do is embrace it.”
Topics Covered:
- Journalist Doug's Journey into Mycology
- Role of Fungi in Planetary and Human Development
- Overlap of Academia and Citizen Science
- Community Mycology Labs
- Connection Between Mycology & a Culture of Aspirational Change
- How Does Mycology Culture Mirror Other Counter-Culture Movements?
- Influence of Psychedelic Culture
- Promise and Realities of Mycoremediation
- Resilient Future of Mushroom Cultivation
- Decentralize Everything
- Maintaining the Integrity of the Mycelium Underground
- Interspecies Allyship
- Medicinal Potentials of Fungi
- How Writing the Book Changed Doug
Episode Resources:
- "In Search of Mycotopia": https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/in-search-of-mycotopia/
- Doug Bierend IG: https://www.instagram.com/dougbierend/
- "Fungal Biology in the Origin & Emergence of Life": https://www.amazon.com/Fungal-Biology-Origin-Emergence-Life/dp/1107652774
- Fungal Diversity Survey: https://fundis.org/
- Craig Trester: https://www.instagram.com/nyc.myc/
- Christian Schwarz: https://www.instagram.com/biodiversiphile/
- Bryn Dentinger: https://www.instagram.com/nhmumycology/
- Radical Mycology: https://www.radicalmycology.com/
- POC Fungi Community: https://www.instagram.com/pocfungicommunity/
- New Moon Mycology Summit: https://www.facebook.com/newmoonmycologysummit/
- Smugtown Mushrooms: https://www.instagram.com/smugtownmushrooms/
- William Padilla-Brown: https://www.instagram.com/mycosymbiote/
Another fascinating and timely discussion on Welcome to Mushroom Hour podcast. Sounds like we should all run out and buy In Search of Mycotopia! Love this podcast series- have listened to every one of these diverse discussions.