Ep. 39 - Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit - Psychedelic Gnosis and Enlightenment-Based Society (feat. Daniel Shankin)
Today on Mushroom Hour we are graced by the presence of Daniel “Sitaram Das” Shankin. Daniel is the founder of Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration, which supports individuals who are exploring their consciousness for spiritual growth and transformational healing. He is the proud host of the Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit which brings together leaders in the field of psychedelic science in a virtual summit for "Four Days Celebrating the Myth, Magic, Science, and Culture of the Sacred Mushroom".
The Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit takes place 9/17/20 - 9/20/20. Mushroom Hour listeners can get discounted tickets here:
I will be moderating a speaker session and will be absorbing all the amazing material being shared!
Daniel's path began working at a yoga bookstore, pursuing gnosis from Eastern spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism. Books like "Be Here Now" were incredibly influential in his own psychedelic explorations and spiritual pursuits. Why do psychedelic experiences and Eastern mysticism seem to blend well together? Do both pursuits aim to take us to the same transcendental plane?
Through his work at Mt. Tam Integration, Daniel has extensive experience when it comes to preparing individuals for a psychedelic experience and helping them integrate back into sober consciousness after such an experience. He'll explain the preparatory importance of set and setting (including preparing one's own emotional state) and some of the tools he uses with clients like somatic anchoring. When it comes to integration, we learn how revelatory urges can be acted upon safely and effectively without hurting the people around us.
In the noble pursuit of shifting our current culture towards an enlightenment society, Daniel was called to create the Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit. This conference brings together incredible speakers from around the world and of all different backgrounds. He thought this was one of the best ways he could contribute to the creation of a society based around positive values like love, grave and humility. As psychedelics suffuse into the mainstream, we look at the impacts of forces like capitalism and politics on the integrity of utopian psychedelic ideals. What is the future of psychedelic culture and will the current psychedelic renaissance help bring about an enlightenment society?
Directed, Recorded, Produced by: Mushroom Hour
Music by: Ancient Baby (https://peckthetowncrier.bandcamp.com/)
Art by: Wyn Di Stefano (http://www.wyndistefano.com/)
Episode Resources:
Mt. Tam Psilocybin Summit (website): https://psilocybinsummit.com/
Mt. Tam Integration (IG): https://www.instagram.com/tamintegration/
Mt. Tam Integration (website): https://tamintegration.com/
Be Here Now (book): https://www.amazon.com/Be-Here-Now-Ram-Dass/dp/0517543052
Neem Karoli Baba (Inspiration): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neem_Karoli_Baba